Cause of authority unmature decision, Insurance agent

22 june 2023
Kathmandu, cause of Nepal Insurance authority unmature decision insurance agents and survey feeling the unsecurity.
From Long time waiting new insurance regulation drafted act after inning, insurance agents and surveyor are not satisfied over its many topic and issue.
Insurance agents and surveyor said, authority not concerning with us. authority making many more mistaken sent chapter code indexes regulation.
Created cause of authority, agent and survey constraint to daily delegation to ministry of finance and office of prime minister.
Insurance agent and surveyor are claimed that draft prepared by NIA has in favor of only insurance company not favor of related stakeholders with insurer.
It is claimed that drafted document favor of insurance company’s benefit and harder to work insurance agent and surveyor. It request to back and reform from ministry sent regulation, demanded by insurance agent and survey association.
Term of the legally, finally sent drafted regulation will converting in capital so, does not back to it from ministry of finance, said by NIA officials.
Insurance authority provided regulation delivered commitment to discussion, but, still not arrange discussion about submitted regulation. Also that are emerging suspect submitted regulation. They are discussing own self with in the ministry of finance.
From the Finance ministry about the chapter discussion insurance agents and survey’s indexes code should be revised, delivering commitment are positive, association’s chairman Kedarnath Adhikari stated.
Last week submitted insurance regulation 2080 injustice for surveyor and agents. they are requested to avoid chapter of negative point against insurance professional and agents.
Although, According to association those report that positive comments received from PM secretariat.
Nepal Insurance authority without similarly discussion with insurance agents prepared regulation to prove in the ministry of finance those provided regulation have discrimination and injustice demand to back from ministry.
Its make to Nepal’s economics empty trying pull out hand of mouth from some selfish active group.
Involves of 5 lakh self employment insurance agents and thousand of surveyor in this sector, authority trying to make flee from occupation through the written regulation 2080, authority prepared only benefit for insurance company. Not to whole of stake holders.
Those of written regulation more priority to nonlife insurance company’s benefit. Including chapter are dangerous, sensitive and negative for insurance growth.
Some of the included paragraph against the universal truth, written regulation obstacle of long lasting journey for economic prosperity stated by association, Its are briefing in office of prime minister request letter
Inform that about the regulation If prove the proposed regulation, agent and surveyor’s job will pullout from insurance sector. Those of propose drafted regulation if will not revised, insurance agent and survey will face of displace condition from insurance sector.