FNCCI Leader, Public 100 Day, Vision Paper

Kathmandu, Federation of National Commercial and Industry chairman Chandraprakash dahkal said, Amendment to economic sector giving first priority from FNCCI. in occasion of the Elected Federation’s new executive committee’s completed 100 day’s, while agenda, public own concepts chairman Dhakal said, Their first priority is amendment to Nepal’s Economics. At this context economics has reaching the serious condition this situation we are maintaining the own responsible. He added, with annually Comparing economic data gradually falling inflation. Although: after the COVID-19 according to expectation unable to meet amendment economic approach, So, we are falling in the economic problems.
Private sector’s being the negligence and touching to publics by recession, stated by dhakal. He said government revenue have decreased in 13%, Cause of full of one year equal to 7% having the hike up goods pricing, he said, ”Our first priority will be economic amendment.
”At this situation federation’s first executive committee’s meeting have own priority to expose the agenda in publics, he said.
According to Dhakal Federation’s first priority is present economy’s crisis solution. Federation will make environment Native and Foreign investment. ‘Between the government, public, private, partnership to reform the economy economic sector, Generate the Skillful manpower to create the employment, Increased the entrepreneurship own self confidence In the state role and regulation the private sector.
Private sector, if will unable work economics sector, will not be able to amendment at these country’s economic condition. He clearly stated. Economy are in difficult condition. Private sector don’t work fairly, economy sector impossible to amendment. Policy also, But, private sector have bearing hastening behavior as like now. on occssion of Federation Leader, Public 100 day prepared Vision Paper stated.