Fifty Percent Interest Discount on Renewal of Asian Life Insurance Policy

Kathmandu : Asian Life Insurance Company Limited is going to provide interest discount on lapsed (expired) insurance policies. The company published a notice today and informed that interest discount will be provided on the issued insurance policy. According to the company, interest discount will be given to the policyholders who renew the insurance policies issued by the company at different times until the end of July, which means the insurance policies that have exceeded six months (completely lapsed) if renewed before the end of July will be benefited with 50% discount on their interest rate. According to the company, 50% discount will be given on insurance policies with a term of 5 years and above and 25% discount on insurance policies with a term of 2 years to less than 5 years. But no discount will be given to insurance policies with maturity period of less than 2 years.