Finance Committee Procedure, 2080 Approved

September 30th, 2023

Kathmandu: The procedure of the Finance Committee, 2080 has been approved. Chairman Santosh Chalise informed that 29th September meeting of the committee approved the procedure after the weekly discussion on the draft. According to him, the Ministry of Finance, the National Natural Resources and Finance Commission, the National Planning Commission and the office of the Investment Board and their subordinate offices are within the scope of the committee.

According to the procedure, if the meeting cannot start after 30 minutes, the chairman can adjourn the meeting. Similarly, the members of the committee should be informed about the agenda of the meeting 48 hours in advance. Considering the seriousness, nature and importance of the issues included in the agenda of the meeting, the chairperson was informed that the responsibility of conducting the meeting and setting the time period was given.
According to him, there are issues such as focusing on the topic in the committee meeting, raising hands to draw the chairman’s attention to speak in the committee, pointing out names, one member should not speak while another member is speaking, using respectful words while speaking, rude, insulting and objectionable words should not be used.

Similarly, unless there is a special reason, issues such as not leaving the meeting until the end of the meeting without the chairman’s permission, not using mobile phones in the committee meeting, etc. He said that according to the procedure, if a member attend the meeting, he should inform the chairman about it.

If a member’s private or personal interest is attached to a matter brought to the committee, the member himself must voluntarily inform the chairman through the reason. In addition, he will have to keep himself apart from the discussion and decision in the committee.

Issues such as the committee’s decision-making process, the process of sub-committee or working group formation are also kept in the agenda. The procedures include study, visit, monitoring, evaluation and interaction, foreign visits, coordination with other committees or bodies about the issues that come within the scope of the committee.

Secretary Rekha Upadhyay Khanal informed in meeting held on 29th September that 16 complaints have been received in the committee so far.








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