Payment of Insurance Claims by Palpa Branch of Citizen Life Insurance

Kathmandu : Citizen Life Insurance Company has paid the insurance claim. Palpa branch office of the company has paid the death claim of 216 thousand rupees.
According to the Citizen Life Insurance, Palpa branch, 15-year-old Yogesh Sunari, a resident of Tinau-6, who had taken the Citizen Subharambh Bima Yojana from the company’s Palpa branch 3 years ago, died after drowning in the Dobhan River. After the death, the company handed over a cheque amount of 216 thousand rupees to Anju Sunari, the mother of the deceased, for claim payment.
The money was handed over jointly by Bijay Karki, Palpa branch manager of the company, Binod Kumar Nepali, senior agency manager and Rita Pandey, senior agency manager.