Inspired by Shankhadhar, I Waived the Loans of all Farmers in 065: Prachanda

November 14th, 2023

Kathmandu : Prime Minister Prachanda has said that he has made visionary decisions for social justice inspired by Shankhadhar Sakhwa, the founder of Nepal’s original Samvat.

On the occasion of Nepal Samvat 1144, Prime Minister Prachanda said that he was inspired by Shankhadhar’s foresight to free the poor from debt at the program held at Shankhadhar Chowk, Madhyapur, Bhaktapur.

On Monday, Prime Minister Prachanda honored Shankhadhar by declaring him a national icon during his tenure as the first Prime Minister of the Republic of Nepal, targeting the context in which the Council of Ministers decided to mention Nepal Samvat in official documents and official documents.

Nepal Samvat Kewal Neva: He mentioned that he gave the message that it is not only the community’s Samvat, but the original Samvat of the entire Nepal and decided to waive off the loans of poor farmers across the country who have taken loans of up to 30,000.

The historical fact that Rashtriya Vibhuti Shankhadhar Sakhwa gave the gold, silver and Srisampatti that he had to the king and freed the poor from debt is still alive.

Speakers before Prime Minister Prachanda, Congress leader Bhishmaraj Angdambe, Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RASP) Central Chairman Ravi Lamichhane and Minister of Culture and Tourism Sudan Kirrati said that the government has done an important job by deciding to make Nepal Samvat, which was hijacked by the Rana rulers, nationwide.

Raswap Chairman Lamichhane mentioned that Shankhadhar’s move to free the poor from debt was important to him in the face of the extreme fraud of meter usurers, cooperatives and microfinance.

Aiming at that, Prime Minister Prachanda said, ‘In the year 2065, I had reached that point and made the decision to release the debt of all the poor farmers who had taken loans of up to 30,000 in Nepal.

As now, the decision to create a powerful commission for the justice of meter interest victims and punish the culprits, the decision to bring millions of Nepali workers abroad to the social security fund, and the decision to join the social security fund to the 40 to 50 million workers in the informal sector and self-employment sector in Nepal, along with the process and initiatives of social justice. is related.

When thinking deeply, this process and initiative of social justice is inherent in the inspiration of Shankhadhar Sakhwa.

Stating that 30,000 minahas at that time (year 2065) was also a great relief for the poor farmers, Prime Minister Prachanda held the opinion that everyone should be aware that the achievements are being tarnished. He mentioned that Nepal Samvat is now established not only for one community but as a fundamental Samvat of the entire Nepal and a Samvat related to social justice.


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