Miteri Development Bank Calling General Meeting with 10% Dividend Proposal, When is the Book Closing?

Kathmandu : Miteri Development Bank has called the 18th Annual General Meeting. The bank has called for a meeting on 30th December, 2023 A.D at Sunsari Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dharan 1, Sunsari from 11 am.
The meeting will approve the proposal to distribute 0.50 percent (Rs.5 Million 75 Thousand and 7 rupees) of the paid up capital for cash dividend tax purposes and 9.50 percent (Rs.96 Million 425 Thousand 136 Rupees) bonus shares. The assembly will pass the annual report of the previous year and the profit and loss account along with the auditor’s report and the cash flow distribution for the same period.
Similarly, the appointment and remuneration of the auditor, the necessary amendments to the company’s charter, and the authorization of the board of directors to merge this bank and any other bank and financial institution are on the agenda.
The bank has decided to close the book from December 14th to December 30th for the purpose of the general meeting. In other words, shareholders who have been transacted in NEPSE till December 13th will be eligible to participate in the general meeting of the bank and receive cash dividends.