The Ministry of Energy is making the hotline service more effective

January 22nd, 2024

Kathmandu : Do you have any complaint about the service provided by Nepal Electricity Authority? Did the electricity go off without notice in your area or did you have a problem with the pole? If the authority’s employees give unnecessary trouble or if there is any problem in getting the electricity meter, you can call the toll-free number “1151” and register your complaint.

In case of similar or any other type of problem, complaint of the customer, they can call the hotline. The hotline service has already been established in the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation which is going to be made more effective and organized. Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Minister Shakti Bahadur Basnet discussed with the employees of the ministries and authorities involved in the hotline service and gave instructions to make the service more effective on 19th of January, 2024 A.D (5th of Magh, 2080 B.S).

Minister Basnet said that the ministry will make necessary arrangements to make the service effective where citizens can complain directly. Emphasizing that the government agencies should work in such a way that there are no complaints from the service users as much as possible, he said that the system that exists as a complaint body should be made more organized.

According to Minister Basnet, the staff working in the hotline service should pay special attention not only to listen to the complaints experienced by the citizens but also to solve them. “As soon as the complaint comes, bring it to the attention of the relevant authorities. Take the initiative to manage manpower mobilization to solve the problem. Citizens should get direct services easily. No excuses can be made and will not be accepted,” said Energy Minister Basnet.

He also instructed to hold information parties in all the offices and distribution centers of the authority to record complaints easily, and to organize them if they were held earlier. “Some people sit without knowing the means of complaining, we should create an environment where they can easily complain,” said Minister Basnet. He said that necessary arrangements will be made to inform about the service through FM radio or other means of communication in the district.

The government has already launched a toll-free number. The hotline receives an average of four dozen complaints daily. Ramkrishna Poudel, Head of Hotline Service informed that as soon as complaints are received, the head of the concerned office and distribution center will be called and asked to solve the problem.

He said that the concerned person who had complained before will also be informed by phone that the problem has been solved. He says that there are more complaints like line cut, low voltage. The hotline service is currently operational in all three sessions. Minister Basnet says that necessary instructions will be given to the authority from the ministry to make it more organized.

In every distribution center, ‘Flex Board’ will be placed in big letters. Minister Basnet said that any problems or complaints related to ministries and authorities will be heard then necessary arrangements will be made for their solutions. The employees working in the hotline service have recorded the complaints received every day and provided them to the ministry and authorities.

Minister also said that they will discuss on the matter about, what can be other ways to make the service more agile. The ministry is also going to facilitate necessary issues such as what is the way to easily lodge complaints on social media or other means, and how to work together with the Hello government operating in the Prime Minister’s and Council of Ministers’ offices.

Minister Basnet said that it is necessary to solve the complaints by thinking as if it is their own problems and to make the relevant employees responsible. The service was started during the tenure of the then Energy Minister Mahendra Bahadur Shahi.

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