Sports Insurance has been Implemented for the first time

Kathmandu : Sports insurance has been implemented for the first time. Sports insurance has been implemented for the first time with the National Sports Council (NSC) insuring 60 players and coaches who are undergoing special training for national team preparation under Mission 2026 A.D.
Devraj Ghimire, Marketing Manager of Rashtriya Beema Company Limited handed the Insurance Article to Tanka Lal Ghising, NSC Member-Secretary.
There are 50 players and 10 coaches of Taekwondo, Karate, Wushu, Judo and Boxing in special training. Each players and coaches were provided insurance of worth Rs 700 thousand and the insurance period is 163 days. In case of any incident, everyone will get 25 percent of the sum insured for their treatment.
Nepal Insurance Authority has classified sports into 3 groups as low risk, normal risk and high risk and issued sports insurance article on 29 November, 2023 A.D, (13th of Mangsir 2080 B.S). Member-Secretary Tank Lal Ghising made an important announcement to implement the sports insurance article keeping in mind the interest of the players while receiving the post of the office of the member-secretary on 30 November, 2023 A.D, (13th of Mangsir 2080 B.S).