Insurance claim payment of 1.4 Million Rupees

by IME Life, Hariwan branch
April 3rd, 2024

Kathmandu : IME Life Insurance Company Limited has paid the insurance claim. The company’s Hariwan branch office went to the insured’s home and organized a program to pay the insurance claim.

Rajesh Shah, head of Hariwan branch of IME Life Company, informed that the company has handed over the amount of 1.4 million Rupees as insurance claims to his wife Anisa Kumari Singh after the death of late insured Tej Narayan Mahato of Ishwarpur-13, Sarlahi in an accident.

The insured, Tej Narayan Mahato, took a term life insurance policy with the company before going to Malaysia for foreign employment. After his death in an accident in the month of Magh, after completing the necessary procedures, the company went to his residence on 19th of Chaitra and handed over the amount for the insurance claim.

Addressing the insurance claim payment program, Hariwan branch head of the company, Shah said that the financial situation of the insured’s family is very difficult and this amount will help them to earn a living in the coming days. In addition, he mentioned that insurance is a very important need not only for himself but also for his family.

In the claim payment program, the head of the company’s Madhesh province, agents, company employees and local residents were present.

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