Nepal Insurance Authority Launched New Website

April 12th, 2024

Nepal Insurance Authority’s Chairman of Surya Prasad Silwal have launched the new website of the authority.

Office of the central  of authority, at Kupandol, chairman Silwal have launched website of In a program last Thursday.

On occasion new website launching program Silwal said that the authority has launched a new website while emphasizing on the latest technology.

Chairman Silwal informed that the authority’s work, operations and service delivery will be done digitally from 1st of July and said that insurance companies should also give priority to digitization and all activities of the company should be transparent.Rajuraman Paudel, Executive Director of Nepal Insurance Authority, said that the new website will provide information on the authority’s work and actions, and the website will be modified based on the suggestions and requirements received in the future.Nepal Insurance Authority Director Sushildev Subedi and Director Pujan Dhungel Adhikari said that information about the overall activities of the central office as well as the regional offices of the authority can be obtained from the new website.

In the new website of the authority, information can be obtained in Nepali and English languages  and the provision of online complaint hearing chatbot as well as insurance messages, insurance literacy and other materials are included.The program was conducted by Dinesh Kumar Lal Director of Insurance Authority and other official was presented in the program.

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