Nepali Tech Magazine Leads Charge in Empowering Community Against Cybercrime

April 17th, 2024

Kathmandu; In a proactive effort to bolster cybersecurity knowledge and safeguard against digital threats, ICT Frame Magazine spearheaded a Cybersecurity Awareness event at Texas International College, Mitrapark Kathmandu. The event, a pivotal initiative in Nepal’s tech landscape, was graced with the leadership of Mina Aryal, a dynamic youth motivator, at the forefront of the First Women Led Tech Magazine and Portal.


Supported by key industry players such as Nepal Telecom, the Tech Bloggers Association of Nepal, and technically backed by One Cover Private Limited, a dedicated cybersecurity company, the event aimed to foster a comprehensive understanding of cyber threats and promote secure online practices among individuals and organizations.


The event commenced with a compelling presentation by Ms. Deepa Shrestha, an Information Security Consultant at One Cover Private Limited. Ms. Shrestha elucidated the scope and significance of cybersecurity, emphasizing strategies to safeguard sensitive data, particularly financial information, and mitigate potential damages.


Following Ms. Shrestha’s insightful discourse, Mr. Pranav Nepal, an Application Security Expert, delved into intricate aspects of cybersecurity. Mr. Nepal elucidated on Intrusion Detection Systems, Intrusion Prevention Systems, Encryption/Decryption techniques, and the pivotal role of access control in fortifying digital defense mechanisms.


Shayana Manandhar, the subsequent speaker, shed light on the escalating cybercrime landscape in Nepal. Addressing prevalent threats such as phishing links, job scams, and anniversary scams, Ms. Manandhar underscored the importance of education and awareness in combatting cyber threats effectively.


The event, marked by its informative sessions and engaging discussions, underscored the collective commitment towards fostering a safer digital ecosystem in Nepal. With the concerted efforts of industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and cybersecurity experts, initiatives like these pave the way for a resilient and secure digital future.

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