Extending the Term Period of the Chairman of the Nepal Insurance Association Without Holding the General Meeting

Kathmandu ; There is a record that most of the insurance company cannot conduct there Annual General Meeting in time due to late submission of actuary valuation testing.
However, a national organization like Nepal Insurance Association, which is not supposed to do any work related to actuary valuation testing, its 21st Annual General Meeting has not been completed. Although sources said that the term period of chairman of Nepal Insurance Association, Chanki Chhetri has been extended without any annual general meeting.
Not being able to conduct annual general meeting on time had already brought suspicion against the association, but now the association has extended the term period of the chairman of the Nepal Insurance Association, which has brought more suspicion among the CEOs of the companies.
Chanki Chhetri was elected unopposed as the chairman of Nepal Insurance Association from the 20th Annual General Meeting held on 23rd of Paush, 2078 B.S. According to this, there should be an election for the new leadership through the general meeting this time. The members of the working committee have complained that the general meeting of the association, which should have been held by the end of Paush, 2081 B.S, has delayed.
One of the CEO who came in contact with Beemapost alleged that politics is being played in the insurance association.
General secretary of the association, Ashok Khadka, also did not want to give any response when asked about these matter.