Madan Dahal Vows Reform as Acting Chairman of Nepal Insurance Authority

Kathmandu – Madan Dahal, the newly appointed Acting Chairman of the Nepal Insurance Authority, has pledged to operate in alignment with the core values and principles of insurance while aiming to expand its scope. Assuming office at the Authority’s headquarters in Kupandol on Friday, Dahal emphasized his commitment to making well-informed and measured decisions.
Dahal has called for an immediate halt to any inappropriate practices within the Authority. He warned of stringent action against any activities involving financial misconduct or other irregularities, reiterating that all operations must be transparent and adhere strictly to regulations.
He outlined two primary priorities for his tenure: facilitating the appointment of a permanent Chairman of the Authority and ensuring the timely appointment of an Executive Director. He has instructed employees to perform their duties diligently and responsibly to bring about meaningful changes within the organization. He also stated that resolving the issues faced by policyholders, safeguarding their rights, and enhancing public trust in insurance are key areas of focus and emphasized addressing challenges faced by insurers and accelerating the development and expansion of the insurance sector.
The Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Bishnu Prasad Poudel administered Dahal’s oath of office and secrecy at the Ministry of Finance.
The Government of Nepal has appointed Dahal as Acting Chairman of the Nepal Insurance Authority, entrusting him with this responsibility until further notice. Dahal also serves as Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Nepal Insurance Authority.