National Life’s Amrit Barsaha Money Back Policy: A Popular Choice for Affordable Protection

Kathmandu – National Life Insurance Company Limited’s flagship insurance plan, Amrit Barsaha Money Back Policy (Advance Payment), has emerged as one of the company’s best-selling policies, attracting citizens from various walks of life. Established in 2044 BS, the company has been providing life insurance for 37 years, serving millions of policyholders and building a robust life insurance fund of Rs 77 billion.
The Amrit Barsaha Money Back Policy stands out due to its affordable premiums, flexible payment options, and high protection coverage. Under this plan, policyholders can receive a proportional sum assured with a vested bonus at the maturity period or, in the case of untimely death, the full sum assured and accrued bonuses are provided to their beneficiaries. The policy also includes critical illness coverage, accidental death benefits, and provisions for loan facilities.
This plan is particularly popular among low-income groups, farmers, traders, employees, teachers, drivers, and security personnel, as it aligns with the financial needs of a wide range of citizens. The company has made participation straightforward, allowing individuals between 18 and 60 years of age to purchase the policy, with coverage available for periods of up to 25 years.
National Life’s extensive network of 118 branch offices and over 83,000 agents across the country has played a significant role in promoting this plan. For those interested, the company offers multiple premium payment options, including annual, semi-annual, quarterly, and monthly methods.
The policy also provides tax exemption benefits and a surrender value option after three years of premium payments. Additionally, accidental death and disability benefits, as well as a premium waiver for permanent disability, can be included at nominal extra costs.
For more detailed information about Amrit Barsaha Money Back Policy watch the video below.