Sanima Reliance Life Celebrates Namita Neupane’s TOT Achievement

Kathmandu – Namita Neupane, a social worker and politician from Biratnagar, has achieved international recognition by securing the prestigious “Top of the Table” (TOT) designation in the life insurance business. Representing Sanima Reliance Life Insurance Company, Neupane is the first from the company to reach this milestone, marking a significant achievement in Nepal’s insurance sector.
The TOT designation, awarded by the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) international platform, represents the highest level of excellence for insurance agents. The MDRT has three levels of recognition: MDRT, Court of the Table (COT), and TOT, with TOT being the most prestigious. Neupane’s accomplishment stands out among the 26 agents from Sanima Reliance Life Insurance who were selected for MDRT this year. Of these, one achieved TOT, two achieved COT, and 23 completed the MDRT target.
To celebrate this achievement, Sanima Reliance Life Insurance Company held a grand ceremony, honoring Namita Neupane and other outstanding agents during a skill development program. The event was attended by the company’s CEO Shivnath Pandey, senior managers, and other employees, who praised Neupane’s dedication and hard work.
Neupane attributed her success to the support and teamwork within the company. She also expressed her commitment to inspiring women across Nepal to pursue careers in the insurance sector and pledged to continue excelling in her role.
Having started her journey with Sanima Reliance Life Insurance just five years ago, Neupane’s achievement underscores her determination and focus on sustainable development goals within the insurance industry. Her success serves as an inspiration to many and strengthens the company’s position in the competitive insurance market.