Nepal Insurance Authority to Establish Formal Bench for Insurance Claim Hearings

March 13th, 2025

Kathmandu – The Nepal Insurance Authority has announced plans to establish a formal bench to address issues related to insurance claims. According to the decision made by the Authority, the new system will come into effect from the 1st of Baisakh, 2082 (April 14, 2025), and will operate from the central office building of the Authority in Kupandol, Lalitpur.

Previously, insurance claim cases were discussed during board meetings held in the Authority’s meeting room. However, the decision to establish a dedicated bench aims to streamline the handling of insurance-related disputes and improve the efficiency of the claims resolution process. The decision was finalized during a meeting of the Authority’s Board of Directors on Falgun 27, 2081 (March 11, 2025), which directed the management to make the necessary physical and operational arrangements for the bench’s establishment.

In addition to creating the bench, the board has instructed the management to publish weekly and other appearance lists and decisions related to insurance claim complaints on the Authority’s official website ( This will allow insured parties and insurance companies to track the status and schedule of their cases online, improving transparency and accessibility.

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