Last Day to Secure Sanima GIC Dividend

Kathmandu – Today is the last day for shareholders of Sanima GIC Insurance Limited to secure their dividend. The company is set its book closure for the seventh annual general meeting (AGM) and dividend distribution on March 21. Only shareholders holding shares by the end of today will be eligible to attend the meeting and receive the dividend.
Sanima GIC has proposed distributing a 7.5 percent bonus share and a 0.3947 percent cash dividend (including tax) based on the current paid-up capital. The proposal will be presented for approval at the AGM scheduled for April 3 at Amritbhog, Kalikasthan, starting at 11 a.m.
The meeting will also address several key issues, including the issuance of 17 percent right shares after amending the earlier 25 percent right share proposal. Additionally, the company will seek approval for last year’s expenses, revise the board of directors’ meeting allowance, and authorize the board to amend the company’s charter and regulations.
Furthermore, the AGM will review and pass the financial statements of the last fiscal year and decide on the appointment of an auditor for the current year along with the auditor’s remuneration.