Sun Nepal Life IPO Expulsion from 17 July

July 7th, 2023

Kathmandu, Sun Nepal Life have been expulsion IPO in premium price from 17 July. Company first stage 9 lakh 60 thousand sheet share for foreign job holder Nepalese IPO will expulsion.

Equal to 9 hundred 60 million amount in per sheet share equal to 100 Rupees worth, and per sheet 139 rupees additional premium adding total rate of 239 rupees for premium. Company will collect total 2227.68 million amount will collect from premium price IPO expulsion.

As though 9 lakhs 50 thousand sheet share for the foreign job holder Nepalese going to expulsion insurance company have inform. Company balanced IPO will issue for general public on next phase.

Such a IPO minimum 10 sheet to 20 thousand sheet share may apply. Those of IPO will remain 31 July 2023 may apply the application company have stated.   Company’s IPO issue manager Nepal SBI merchant Bank.

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