Six Months Schooling Prachanda’s Joint-Secretary Dhungana, Opening Fire Against the Smuggle

July 22nd, 2023

Kathmandu, Six Months Schooling Prachanda’s Joint-Secretary Dhungana, opening Fire Against the Gold Smuggling in the capital kahtmandu.

Ministry of finance Joint secretary Nawaraj Dhungana he was not honest past time said sources, Along his opportunity to distinguished his responsible those of sector. Now, he is achieved reputation in the employee sector.

At this moment under the prime minster Prachand’s office of secretariat. Some time ago him negatively charge and criticize about to him cause of past activities.

He is Working PM Prachand’s secretariat, Now he is high position in Nepal government.

Tribhuwan International in the airport while trying to outing from the customs office more than 100 KG gold, by smuggling.  He was success those of gold smuggling team to raid on the spot. at the Airport  Now under investigation to Dhungana had campaigning own team success to confiscation tryout to carrying the gold by Yarket group.

Previous time Dhungana many more places was debated during the his engage in Pokhara Municipality land circumstanced issues. Former forest minister Matrika yadav having the ministry of forest at that time also he was worked along with.

Before his come in PM secretariat, He was working in Direction of Regional auditor general controller office in Baidyakhana.

Similarly having the PM’s personal secretariat his appointed him position joint secretary by his secretariat.

He was appointed in 2079 December 30 by PM’s office as a personal secretary. and 2079 January 5 chief of personal secretary. Thus, till to last July first week he was worked along with PM Prachand.

Controversy image carrying he always want to grabe opportunity blame him by own contraception. 6 months long with prachand’s cohesion desire of doing something in his life’s important thing he was nearly understood.

Joint secretary dhungana was known with PM prachand’s struggle. Interactive with activity of some importance clues. Country’s corruption, Broker and smuggle how to bring under control early he was known. Cohesion from his schooling made him forward. and change him own self thinking goods ever.

Now he is a successful person in Nepalese beaurocracy. by destroying the gold smuggle’s network.

At the July first week he was appointed Inland revenue investigation department in lalitpur’s chief and refer him from PM secretariat team. Among with him responsible. After bearing his position in revenue investigation department.

he was made a successful teamwork to coordination of information about the smuggling in Nepal.

100 KG gold around the equal to one billion worth. So tightly Customs office’s by checking, Although, at bit gold was passed. But, his carefully action made to unable to success to escape from the airport. If made little delay and if were not careful may flee from the spot, If does not got pre-information, If doing little delay or little dropping the little snare 100 more than KG gold had not achieved.

Those of his success of his deed, his team and his leadership having wah, wah, around the country and who involves in smuggling activity they may be in fear when, while again will may caught such as smuggling.

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