Only One Application Received for Nepal Insurance Authority Chairman Post

Kathmandu – The Ministry of Finance has received only one application for the position of Chairman of the Nepal Insurance Authority (NIA), despite interest from over a dozen aspirants. Applications can be submitted to the Financial Sector Management and Institutional Coordination Division of the ministry during office hours until January 24.
The position demands a candidate with at least a master’s degree and a minimum of five years of high-level managerial experience in the relevant field. Applicants must also have a clean legal record and exhibit high moral character.
Among those reportedly lobbying for the post are prominent names such as Ram Sharan Pudasaini, Surendra Poudel, Damodar Basaula, Chiranjeevi Chapagain, Kapildev Oli, and Maheshwor Neupane. However, only one formal application has been filed so far.
The chairmanship of the Authority remains vacant following allegations of corruption against former Chairman Surya Prasad Silwal, which led to a case being filed in a foreign court. Currently, Joint Secretary Madan Dahal from the Ministry of Finance is overseeing the responsibilities of the Chairman in an acting capacity.