Nepal Life Honored as the Best International Award

As Result Oriented Life Insurance Company In India
November 27th, 2023

Kathmandu  : Nepal Life Insurance Company has been honored with an International Award as the life insurance company that can produce the best result at the ICC Emerging Asia Insurance Conclave and Award distribution function held in India. CEO Pravin Raman Parajuli was honored with an international award at the ICC Emerging Asia Insurance Conclave and Awards 2023 A.D organized by the Indian Chamber Of Commerce.

The second session of the program, which started on 22nd November in Mumbai, India, was held on 23rd by CEO Parajuli, who received the award at the Asian Level. Nepal life has succeeded in receiving the Best Out Standing Performance in Life Insurance Industries Award.

Among the life insurance companies operating in Nepal, Nepal Life Insurance is the largest and best Life insurance Company. Nepal Life has been honored for playing a result-oriented role in the development of Insurance even in difficult areas of the country and has been able to make a fund of 175 Billion Rupees.

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