Payment of Insurance Claims provided by Citizen Life Insurance, Itahari

December 25th, 2023

Citizen Life Insurance Company Tarahara branch has paid 745 thousand 940 rupees for the insurance claim. The company decided to handover the amount after Udesh Rai of Itahari of age 19 committed suicide.

Udesh had made his insurance of worth 620 thousand rupees. He had already paid the amount of 90 thousand in 3 installments as the insurance amount. The insurance claim amount has been decided to be given to the mother of the deceased, Chandra Shobha Rai.

Sujan Shrestha, the head of the branch of the company, said that after the insurance period is over, they will get another amount of 620 thousand rupees in total. Jai Khadka, the agency manager of the insurance company, said that 50,000 was given for now to the family of the deceased for operational expenses for funeral.

Manager Khadka said that although the emotional damage cannot be solved but the financial damage can be greatly relieved by the insurance and the payment received from the insurance will play an important role in the livelihood of the dependent family members and the education as well as social work of their children.

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