Asian Life Insurance’s called a general meeting on 1st March 2024

February 10th, 2024

Kathmandu : Asian Life Insurance Company Limited has called the 16th Annual General annual Meeting for 1st March 2024 A.D, (18 Falgun, 2080 B.S). The company called for meeting of the board of directors on February 7 at Hotel Classic Simra Bara at 11:30 am has made this decision.

In the meeting, the company will present a proposal to distribute 7.75 percent bonus shares to the shareholders from the profit of the financial year 2079/80 and 0.407 percent cash dividend for tax purposes.

 Likewise, the agenda of appointing 1 person to the post of director representing the common shareholders group has also been included in the work list of the assembly.

In addition, the annual report of the previous financial year will be discussed and passed in the assembly, and the resolution to appoint an auditor for the current financial year and determine his remuneration will be passed. Similarly, a special proposal will be submitted regarding the issuance of 42 percent right shares in the capital retained after the distribution of bonus shares.

For the purposes of the meeting, the company is going to close the book on 20th February 2024 A.D (8 Falgun, 2080 B.S). As Democracy Day falls on 19 February, shareholders who have remained till 18 February 2024 , will get the proposed dividend.

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