The Total Insurance Fee of Micro Insurance is About 4 Lakhs, How Much?

September 28th, 2023

Kathmandu : Currently operating micro insurance companies have sold a total of 107 insurance policies by the end of August and have earned a total insurance fee of around four lakh rupees.

According to the financial statement published by the Nepal Insurance Authority today, the micro-insurers have managed to earn a total of Rs.

By the end of August, Nepal Micro Insurance has sold 66 insurance policies worth Rs.276,000 and Protective Micro Insurance has earned Rs.

Currently, only 2 micro insurances are operating in Nepal.

BeemaPost :Micro Insurance’s Sep-Oct  Month’s Financial data
S.N. Company’s Name Issued insurance policy Total Insurance Fee
1. Nepal Micro Insurance company 66 276
2. Protective Micro Insurance company 41 119
Total 107 395


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