4.76 times oversubscription in Vision Lumbini Energy Company’s IPO.

Kathmandu. Vision Lumbini Energy Company’s IPO received 4.76 times more applications by the third day. So far, 847,770 people have applied for the IPO issued by the company to the general public since last Thursday. According to which, in...

Corruption in Agricultural Equipment, case Against 4 People Including the then Provincial Secretary

Kathmandu : The Authority has filed a case against 4 people including the then Provincial Secretary of Lumbini Province for committing widespread irregularities in the purchase of agricultural equipment. The Abuse of Authority Investigation Commission has claimed that during...

General Meeting of RSDC Microfinance on November 15th, When will the Book Close?

Kathmandu : RSDC Microfinance has convened the 10th Annual General Meeting. Annual General Meeting It has been decided to hold the Annual General Meeting on the 15th of November. The organization has decided to close the book on the...

IME Group Declaration to provide Rs.1 crore 50 lakh Earthquake Victims

Kathmandu: Companies and foundations promoted by IME Group including Global IME Bank, IGI Prudential and IME Life Insurance and IME Limited will support 1 crore 50 lakh rupees for the earthquake victims. According to the group, the money will...

4.76 Times Oversubscription in Vision Lumbini Energy Company’s IPO

Kathmandu : Vision Lumbini Energy Company’s IPO received 4.76 times more applications by the third day. So far, 847,770 people have applied for the IPO issued by the company to the general public since last Thursday. According to which,...

National Insurance Institute Avoided Liquidation, Proposal for Capital Increase Approved by Council of Ministers, IPO cannot be Issued Immediately

Kathmandu : The government-owned National Insurance Institute has been spared from liquidation. After the Nepal Insurance Authority warned that the Insurance Act 2079 will be applicable to all, if the capital is not provided by October 28th, the Ministry...

A Comparative Study Between Nabil, Global IME and NIC Asia Bank

Kathmandu. Commercial bank Nabil Global IME and NIC Asia Bank have published the financial statement of the first quarter. Based on the financial statement published by the bank, the comparative report made by Bimapost between the three companies is...

Brief Information Regarding the Process of Insurance Agent Examination Conducted by Insurance Authority

Kathmandu : Nepal Insurance Authority is conducting insurance agent exam from 31st of October, 2023 A.D. This examination is the first examination conducted by Insurance Authority. The authority has already released the question paper and schedule for the insurance...

Claim payment by Sun Nepal Life to The Insured of Fatal Disease Victim, During Foreign Employment

Kathmandu : Sun Nepal Life has provided claim payment to its client for payment against Fatal disease. Company has provided 500 thousand Rupees as its claim payment. Permanent resident of Rambha VDC – 4, Palpa district , Mr. Devi...

Oil Corporation’s Announcement that it will Bear the Fuel Costs of the Airplanes Operating in the Earthquake-Affected Areas

Nepal Oil Corporation Limited has announced that it will bear the cost of the fuel used in the airplanes and helicopters deployed to rescue the earthquake victims. The corporation issued a statement on Saturday and announced that it will...